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Osteopathy Clinic is a multi-disciplinary rehabilitation and wellness clinic. Company was founded by Suada Jelic (DOMP, DNM, RMT, CAP, CAT, CRO, CYI) in 2006. It is a place that utilizes the wisdom of both eastern and western medical modalities to promote and provide health and wellness.

With over 35 combined years experience as a Manual Osteopath Therapist, Physiotherapist and Registered Massage Therapist, Suada is able to tailor her methods of treatment to each client as an individual. In 1986 she has graduated from medical school with a major in physiotherapy. Suada has completed her thesis on ‘‘The effects of Physiotherapy Treatment in Infants, Children and Teens with Brachial Plexus Injuries’’.

She began her practice as a senior physiotherapist in Europe for several years, evaluating functional capability in order to determine an appropriate treatment and corrective exercises for stroke and head injury patients prior to moving to Canada.

Suada has graduated from the National Academy of Osteopathy in Toronto Ontario and earned her DOMP after successfully defending the thesis ”Osteopathic Management Of Posterior Facet Syndrome’’. Her passion and current specialty is a combination of structural and cranial osteopathic techniques, which she is able to personalize for each treatment to her clients needs. She has also qualified to use acupuncture, which has been proven to release tension in both chronic and acute conditions supported by her ongoing drive in continuously refreshing education in Europe and Canada.

Suada has treated a wide range of individuals from all age groups. From having pain, postural disabilities and workplace factors, effects of stress, sports and traumatic injuries, and degenerative conditions such as arthritis in both Canada and Europe.

Suada is fluent in Serbian-Croatian, English and German. She is currently self-teaching Spanish. She is a member in good standing of the following: The Osteopathic and alternative medicine association OOAMA, The National Manual Osteopathic Society, NMOS, and Canadian massage therapy Ontario CMTO. Suada is a life-long learner who is constantly practicing better management of the health and body with every client, which is what, keeps her profession interesting. In a unique way, she has integrated many of these concepts into her work through distinctive treatment plans.

On a personal level she enjoy spending time with her family and friends and she also enjoy indulging in fishing, swimming, running, as also participating in group classes such as Cycling, Yoga, and meditation at her local fitness facility. Suada believe that living a healthy life style is important in order for your body to function at its full potential.


Osteopathy was founded in 1874 by medical doctor Andrew Taylor Still in Missouri. The osteopathic profession has evolved into two branches, non-physician manual medicine osteopaths and full scope of medical practice osteopathic physician.
In Canada, we practice as non physician manual medicine osteopaths and are called Osteopathic Manual Practitioner.
Osteopathy is a unique holistic (whole body) approach to health care, that strives to balance all the systems of the body, and provide overall good health and well being in its broadest sense, including mental, emotional, and spiritual health.
Osteopath does not address one organ or structure at the expense of another but considers the person as an integral unit.
Osteopathy involves work on all body structures: the joints, muscles, ligaments, internal organs, skull etc.
It is unique because it focuses on the root cause of pain and dysfunction rather than simply masking the symptoms. The practice also encourages the body to heal itself and rely less on medication. Freedom from restriction allows the body’s own healing mechanisms to bring about deep and lasting healing.
Osteopathy is effective for people of all ages and it is generally applicable to all conditions. It is beneficial to Athletes (professional and amateur), People suffered from wide range of traumas, People with sedentary job and life style.
Osteopaths tailor their approach to each patient’s needs and lifestyle

MORE INFORMATION on Benefits to osteopathic treatment, neck-to-foot pain or postural problem and a broad spectrum of techniques and skills to restore tissue function can be found under "DETAILS".

FIRST VISIT at an Osteopath:
It is highly advisable to wear loose clothing, such as shorts and a t-shirt, for the assessment and treatments.
1.Your health history is discussed at any initial session with an Osteopath practitioner. Your chief complaints, health issues, and other medical interventions that you’ve received in the past.
2.Then, an assessment of your needs will be performed. Your Osteopath will conduct a postural and gait analysis orthopedic and neurological assessment of all systems and structures related to area in need of healing. Joints organs, nerves, vessels and connective tissue (fascia) are examined in terms of their flexibility and tension relationships. In order to assess your physical condition, and ensure safe treatment options.
The osteopath also explores those factors in the person and the person’s life that may have contributed to the illness and that, appropriately modified, compensated, or eliminated, would favor recovery, prevent recurrence, and improve health in general.
The possible factors include e.g., genetic, nutritional, occupational and environmental.
Osteopathic whole-person care, therefore, is a collaborative relationship between patient and osteopath.
3.After reviewing the examination findings with you, the Osteopath will put together a treatment plan to be carried out.
4.Hands on Treatment begins once the assessment has been done and you have been informed of your treatment options and given instruction on how to Improve your posture and prevent musculoskeletal imbalances and injury during exercise and daily living activity.
The first consultation normally lasts one hour.
The number of follow up treatments varies depending on the symptoms and nature of the dysfunction. As a rough guide, a newly developing condition requires 1 to 4 sessions to treat. The longer the condition has been present the more treatment is usually required.
Treatment normally lasts 15-60 minutes.
Reaction to treatments:
Osteopathic treatments are not painful, patients normally feel better after receiving treatment. However, some clients react differently and some discomfort may be experienced.
A pre-requisite for practicing Osteopathy is a detailed knowledge of anatomy, physiology and pathology as well as several years' extensive training in palpation. Osteopaths work closely with other medical fields, to ensure the best possible care for their patients.
Osteopathic treatments are reimbursed through some complimentary health insurance. Please contact your insurance company for more information.
Appointments will be charged in full unless they are cancelled 24 hours before hand.

Why should I choose Osteopathy as a form of treatment?
An Osteopathic Manual Practitioner’s approach is different from other forms of therapy. A DOMP does not address one organ or structure at the expense of another but considers the individual as a single unit. Often time supportive exercises are also prescribed to further improve their overall well-being.
How will I feel after the Treatment?
Most clients feel very relaxed however after some time has passed people often experience increased energy, greater productivity, and heightened awareness that can last for several days. Some clients experience a release from long-term aches and pains developed from tension or repetitive activity. If you have not had treatment for a while, you may experience some soreness in the area treated however the soreness should disappear within a day or two.
What do I wear?
You being comfortable is the most important. Wear clothing that allows optimal mobility such as yoga wear, or athletic wear.


Osteopaths have a broad spectrum of techniques and skills to restore tissue function:

- Musculoskeletal /Postural to relieve pain, to improve motion and postural alignment primarily in musculoskeletal system
- Visceral manipulation to improve position, circulation and motion of viscera
- Craniosacral extremely gentle technique to improve and normalize cranial bone motion and balance
- Muscle Energy Technique active direct technique to restore to its physiological limits
- Trigger point therapy for treating acute and chronic myofascial pain

Benefits to osteopathic treatment:
- Restore better posture, reducing musculoskeletal pain and dysfunction
- Release joint restrictions and Decreases joint stress
- Increases range of motion in the joints
- Increase strength and Increase stability
- Reduces tension in the body
- Enhance performance
- Treats trauma from accidents, sports injuries, and motor vehicle injuries
- Increases nerve function and circulation, and healthy heart rate
- Reduces blood pressure and associated diseases
- Improves organ function like digestion and elimination
- Helps the body to adapt to hormonal changes during pregnancy

Osteopathy is great approach for anyone with neck-to-foot pain or postural problem:
- Acute and Chronic Pain (Back Pain, Neck Pain
- Soft tissue injuries: sprains, strains, tendonitis
- Golfer's Elbow
- Tennis Elbow
- Frozen Shoulder Syndrome (RSDS)
- Carpal Tunnel Syndrome
- Shin Splints
- Joint dysfunction and arthritic pain Of Hip, Knee, Feet, Hands, spine
- Herniated Disks, Nerve pain – sciatica
- Irritable Bowel
- Arthritis
- Autism
- Attention Deficit Disorder (ADD)
- Scoliosis, Kyphosis
- Chronic Neuralgia Syndrome, Trigeminal Neuralgia
- Whiplash, caused by car accidents and sports injuries include symptoms
- Pain and stiffness in the neck, upper, middle and lower back, pelvis, shoulders and ribs
- Pins and needles or numbness in the arms or legs
- Headaches, Migraine Headache
- Blurred vision
- Ringing in the ears
- Inability to focus
- TMJ (Temporomandibular Joint) jaw problems Jaw pain. Clicking and/or locking of the jaw ear
- Ringing in the ear (tinnitus)
- Sinus issues
- Fibromyalgia
- Chronic Fatigue Syndrome
- High Blood Pressure
- Vertigo
- Asthma
- Plantar Facitis
- Post Surgical Adhesions


Next to Osteopathy treatments our Clinic offers comnplementary treatments for your well being:
MORE INFORMATION on each Complementary Treatments can be found under "DETAILS".

We are excited to have to ability to directly bill and submit claims on your behalf for private health insurance plans.
The following companies are eligible for Direct Billing:
- Blue Cross
- Chamber of Commerce
- Cowan Insurance Group
- Desjardins
- Manulife Financial
- Johnston Group/Maximum Benefit
- Standard Life
- Sun Life Financial
- Great-West Life
- Green Shield Canada
- Industrial Alliance
Note: You must understand the details of your coverage for submitting a valid claim such as having a doctor's note if your plan requires it. Please understand that if your plan does not cover your entire treatment, you must pay the remaining balance.


Massage therapy can provide relief for many conditions, including:
- Headaches & Migraines
- Whiplash, Post-injury Rehabilitation, Motor Vehicle Accident
- Low Back Pain, Sciatica ,Periformis syndrome
- Scoliosis/Kyphosis
- Tendinitis/Bursitis,Strains & Sprains
- Arthritis
- Frozen Shoulder
- Circulatory Conditions
- Temporomandibular Joint Disorders (TMJ)
- Digestive & Bowel Problems
- Carpal Tunnel Syndrome
- Thoracic Outlet Syndrome
- Fibromyalgia

Trigger points are your body’s response to chronic or acute muscle overload. They are described as small knots or areas of spasms in your muscles that switch on to protect your joints and tendons. When you have chronic pain they can cause dull aching or shooting pain and stiffness. Trigger point massage aims to provide relief by “switching off” these reactions.

Pre-event Sports Massage and intense stretching is designed to increase performance. Post-event Sports massage will assist to alleviate tired and overused muscles, removing muscle waste and stretching the tissues.

This type of massage focuses on reducing chronic and acute pain and discomfort using deep pressure.

This type of massage uses light to medium pressure and focuses on reducing or relieving acute or chronic pain or discomfort.

Reflexology has roots on a millenary Egyptian technique that works on points mainly on the feet but also on the hands and ears, which correspond to specific areas of the body. Reflexology treatment helps to improve healing and health on all body systems. The pressure massage of reflex points stimulates the immune system and improvement of the physical body.

1MHz of ultrasound is applied to deep tissues, alleviating aches and pains in the legs, hip, back, and feet.

Symptomatic relief of chronic musculoskeletal pain, post traumatic and post surgical pain.

Gives support and stability to your joints and muscles without affecting circulation and range of motion. It is also used for Preventive Maintenance, Edema, and to treat pain.


London Office:
2020 Bakervilla Street
London, Ontario N6P 0E9, Canada
Opening Hours:
Monday – Tuesday: 9am-6pm
Thursday – Friday: 9am-6pm
Saturday: 9am-1pm
Appointment only

Round Lake Office:
44 Leisure Lane.,
Round Lake, Ontario, K0J 2J0, Canada
Opening Hours:
Appointment only

Telephone: +1 (0) 519 777 2478

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